
Paul Daugherty
Enquirer columnist files news and observations

Paul Daugherty
Paul Daugherty has been an Enquirer sports columnist since 1994 and has been chronicling Cincinnati sports since 1988. He has covered almost every major sporting event in America, as well as five Summer Olympics. Along the way, he has been named one of the country's top-5 sports columnists four times, and Ohio columnist of the year on seven different occasions. Last year, he was voted 2nd-best sports columnist in the country, by the Associated Press Sports Editors.

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Thursday, March 06, 2008

A little something different

Because I sometimes tire of writing the same ol' about our Local Heros, I'm going to start using This Space, occasionally, for other things. Dude can only write the name "Joe Blanton'' so much before his head explodes. In that vein...

I got asked yesterday for about the millionth time "what are the players really like?'' I answered for the millionth time, "I have no idea.'' I mean, I can tell you the image they project. I can write what I observe. But often, that's only what they want me to observe. Stanley Wilson, standing in front of me, was quiet and humble. Stanley Wilson, in his hotel bathroom the night before the '89 Super Bowl, was someone else.

Eugene Robinson went from NFL man of the year to chasing hookers on Biscayne Boulevard, in a matter of days. And so on.

What's Griffey like? Beats me. I'm not in that circle. Never will be.

But just for the fun of it, for purposes of amusement only, here are a few glimpses, sideways and skewed maybe, but accurate from how they are in front of me, of current Reds. See if your image matches mine.

Kent Mercker: Guy I'd most like to have a Keystone Light with.

Dusty Baker: Blues club, table in the back, nods and silence as the music plays.

Adam Dunn: General disdain daily, would smash my face with a shaving -cream pie if he had the energy to put one together.

Scott Hatteberg: Sunday New York Times crossword, drinking a latte on his deck facing Puget Sound. Some guys (Dunn) you have to talk to. Others you enjoy talking to. Hatteberg is in the latter category.

Brandon Phillips: In the club, sitting VIP. Also, at home, just being with family. Guy most likely to "keep it real'' and stay true to how he was raised. I could be way off on this one. That's part of what makes covering sports so interesting. I hope I'm not.

David Ross: Next door neighbor, helping you move in. My daughter loves David Ross. He got wind of that (er, somehow) and called her, just to say thanks. Jillian will never forget it.

Bronson Arroyo: Big boat, blue water, guitar. Cool. Very cool.

Todd Coffey: Wants so much to do well, to please. Should develop an edge, please himself.

Joey Votto: Solid, physically and otherwise. Guy you call at 3 am from the lockup, and he's there. I'm waiting to see if September was a mirage. Lots of kids hit in September, often against other kids.

Jay Bruce: "Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States...''

Matt Belisle: Best friend from high school. Fun (does a dead-on Wayne Krivsky impression), with a streak of Texas mule. Can think too much. Needs to let it fly. Kinda like me on the radio.

Junior Griffey: A guy I've wanted to know better, who never let me in.


at 9:31 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul, that was a great post. Will you do one for the Bengals?

at 9:47 AM Blogger Pete14Fan said...

Was very interested to see your nice article about Dusty last week(?) I didn't have a very good opinion or feeling about him but I am now keeping an open mind and looking forward to the season even more. Junior...tough one...I think it's dissapointing he didn't make himself the leader in the clubhouse and the face of the franchise. Still love to watch him play and would hate to see him leave Cincinnati. Dunn...ugghhh. So much potential and so little effort. The polar opposite of what a Cincinnati Red should be. Looking very forward to seeing the young guys develop. Phillips...what can I say. His "second act" here has been incredible and I hope it's far from over. Go Redlegs!

at 10:24 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...


at 10:39 AM Blogger Paul Daugherty said...

1024... don't know him well... guess, and it is just a guess, is that he's a guy who never struggled until he got up here and when people have tried to advise him, he has balked. Needs to understand he doesnt know everything... and, of course, flatten that curveball.

at 10:40 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice post, Paul. It is refreshing every once in a while to clear your thoughts of all this repetition. When being an avid fan of the Reds and Bengals is getting old, I can only imagine what its like to cover them and try to come up with some sort of positive spin. I have spring fever. Every year I think the Reds will be different and every year(almost) they dissapoint. But certainly not THIS year, right? Not with that Dusty Baker cat and Jay Bruce dude. Anyways, I have one for Ryan Freel: the kid in class who is constantly being kicked out-or the kid who can't sit still in an add for Ritalyn...love the way he plays though

at 10:43 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

please tell us why you hold a vandetta against Dunn. He seems like a decent enough guy. What did he ever say or do to you? I feel that your writings on Dunn have gotten too personal. No matter what you say, his bat would be hard to replace if he leaves after this year. I hope the Cincinnati media, the worst offenders being you and Brenamania don't drive him out.

at 10:55 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a novel idea: Dunn doesn't like you because he's a nice guy and you're a jerk. And your criticisms of him are borderline nonsense.


at 11:07 AM Blogger Cheviot Sports Authority said...

Adam Dunn has a very subtle, wry sense of humor that goes right over a lot of peoples' heads, especially Marty Brennaman's.

at 11:10 AM Blogger Paul Daugherty said...

10:55... I dont know what you're talking about. Dunner and I are tight. I treat him with the same respect he treats me. It's a little mutual admiration society.

at 11:32 AM Blogger Chris at Redleg Nation said...

Why do I suspect this whole gossip-girl exercise was a way to slip in the Dunn dings? Guy doesn't like you. BFD. Not sure it's his job, or yours, to be pals. Let it go.

Bash Dunn = ratings & eyeballs. Same formula works for Chad Johnson.

And we bite every time. Sigh.

at 11:39 AM Blogger russ said...

I like the change of pace! A buddy of mine got to have a couple of drinks with Dusty Baker (at the Westin I think) when he was the Cubs manager. He sounds like a really cool guy. I like the fact that he is too strong of a character to get bullied by players, but stays in good graces with the players by keeping the media focus on himself.

I picked up your sarcasm, Paul. "Mutual admiration society", that's funny stuff! Dunn has his problems, for sure. He can be frustrating to follow sometimes. But seriously, if you are wondering why the Reds are below .500 every year, a guy who plays 150+ games while racking up 100 RBI and 100 Runs isn't really the first place to look.

at 12:05 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul, I enjoyed the post today! Here's an interesting one, how would you describe yourself? We read your stuff and hear your personality on the radio but what are you really like?

at 12:54 PM Blogger Paul Daugherty said...

Chris... just having a little fun before I get back to the really hilarious task of blogging about OBPs and BAs w/RISP...

at 12:56 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dunn seems to be very funny and a good interview (i.e. the phone call to Marty & on the Mike Tirico show last week). I think that Dunn is exactly what a Cincinnati Red should be... productive, well liked by teammates/coaches, and out of trouble. He's a good ol'boy that shows up to work everyday and he's been the most consistent player on the Reds for 6-7 years.

at 1:11 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doc, curious about your love for Brandon Phillips. He's always been good with fans, but not the best with the local media. His, "I'm straight 'dog, now go talk to someone else" attitude grew tiring last season. Perhaps he's changed? Maybe you just bring out the best in him.

at 1:33 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how all these Adam Dunn fans who have never met the big oaf claim to know the real Adam Dunn better than you, P.D. Highly amusing. Gotta love Cincinnati - every single fan is an expert on everything.

at 1:49 PM Blogger Paul Daugherty said...

1:11... you're right re BP... some guys you just get along with better than others... I have no idea why we've clicked... just glad we have

at 2:27 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's something a little off topic, but completely ridiculous. I saw it and immediately thought of this blog. To all of you who hate us anonymous posters, you have a friend in Kentucky. A Kentucky politician has introduced a bill banning anonymous internet posts.


Have a great day everyone!


at 2:35 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are comments on 12 players here: 11 are positive and 1 is negative....and everyone is crying over the one negative comment.

Leave our Reds alone, Paul! Dunn is a good guy - I can tell! The Cincinnati media is the problem with the Reds....and the Bengals......and all the losing. Leave them alone!

at 2:47 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had the opportunity to meet Dunn while working at a retailer. I talked with Dunn behind the scenes prior to him conducting his signing and he seemed like a nice down-to-earth guy.

There aren't exactly a lot of players who are begging to come to Cincinnati, so I tend to respect the ones who actually enjoy it here and want to be here.

Dunn haters be gone.

at 3:39 PM Blogger Brad said...

anon 1:11

C. Trent, it's ok, you can put your name....

at 4:13 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mason..... advice to brandon Phillips. be careful, be very careful becoming friends with Doc or anyone else in the media. remember brandon, Doc use to be "straight dog" with chad johnson and Doc soldout Chad faster than the I-Phone. Keep it "real" Brandon but do it at a distance. i have lived here all my life and i know how things go down in this city with it's conservitive sports media. DOG

at 7:42 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Traveled from Utah to watch the Reds for a HS grad. present for my son. Ran into Brandon Phillips at Kings Island but we were hesitant to approach him. My son is a huge fan so I told him to just compliment him on a great play that day and shake his hand. BP chatted with my son for 15 min. and made him feel like a long lost friend. He apologized for losing that day and teased my son about his Freel jersey. Said he should get him a Brandon Phillips jersey. Next day we were able to swap our tickets plus $40 for seats by the Reds dugout. BP spotted us and waved hello. After the game he gave my son a game ball. What a classy guy! He didn't have to do any of that. We're coming back this year. My son already has his Phillips jersey ready!

at 7:51 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool post, Doc.
Griffey has always been a mystery - does a lot of low-key charity things - is obviously one of the greats - but what's his problem?
Griffey & Dunn seem to be together in avoiding club-house leadership, which they're obviously in a position to do/be (& imo, the club really needs a leader).
Hatteberg is one of the most professional sports guys around - good to hear that's a real person too.

at 10:21 PM Blogger Jimmy - Lexington said...

Great post! This honestly is why we read the blogs, for posts like this.

at 10:31 PM Blogger Jimmy - Lexington said...

Made my first post before reading the comments. Why do people get on these blogs just to comment on how they somehow have a greater amount of information from thier jobs working in buildings downtown? If that was the fact these people would have no reason to check the blog, and in fact would have a blog of their own. Dunn is a lazy jerk, I suspected this and the guy who is around the team everyday just confirmed it.

at 11:13 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daugherty - Why don't you simply give up this blog? You have admitted you are forced to do it by the paper. First Lewis is great, than because he hurt your feeling at a press conference he is now the bad guy. You think Kelly does a great press conference and he should give lessons to Lewis because Kelly remembered your liking Bruce Springsteen. Another post...the bad reception your cell phone has with Cinn. Bell. Now, your best buddy is Dusty Baker. Two week ago you wanted Roger Clemens sent to prison, no evidence, but he must pay for what he did, which has yet to be proven and will not be. Oh yes...your column telling us that Michael Vick should be assumed innocent until proven guilty. His bud's turned him over and after that, not a word about him from you.
Let someone who can post semi-intelligent insight concerning both national and local sports, do this blog.
Now we have this post about what the Reds players are like, or why you like them or they don't care for you. You are boring us, well okay you still have your faithful followers who believe whatever you say is so intelligent and because you like beer. These people probably listen to your radio show. My guess is these folks still believe Rose should be in the HOF, he only bet on baseball, agreed to a lifetime ban because he was told what the league had on him, but than lied for 17 years, saying he was banned for betting on Monday night football which dug his hole even deeper. Who cares that David Ross called you daughter, except for you and your daughter.

at 11:48 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do these guys compare to past Reds.....Reds that have won? Such as Larkin, E.D., Sabo, Casey, even Joe Oliver, Hal Morris, Browning, and Rijo. Would love to see the comparison and how leadership and high-quality personalities equate to team success.

at 12:11 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is most likely to call CT Rosencrans out for being such a suck-up, butt-kisser in the lockeroom?

at 3:01 AM Blogger JerBear said...

My 71 year old Dad is convinced that Griffey has had a negative influence on Dunn as far as Dunn being kind of lazy and lackadaisacal.

I think a lot of people think that whether it's true or not. No one thinks Griffey is a bad person, but he isn't a leader, and shouldn't be expected to lead this club. It just isn't his persona.

I think Dunn actually is pretty competitive, but has been on a loser for so long, and hasn't been taught the finer points of the game well throughout his career.

I generally like Griffey Jr. and just kind of feel sorry for him with how things have turned out in Cincinnati. Unfortunately, I think there's a pretty big segment of fans that think Griffey and Dunn are a big part of the problem in Cincy.

Of course, without ever having good pitching I don't know if you can put too much blame on everyday players like Griffey and Dunn.

In the end...no one really knows what they are talking about including me.

at 2:45 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the subject of CT Rosencrans...who is this guy and why do I hear him incessantly being interviewed by the 1530 Homer crew? He has the radio persona of an 18 year-old virgin in his first date. I'm sure I'm just overlooking his razor-like wit and keen, analytic sports acumen...aren't I?


- Savage

at 9:53 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Savage and Anon 12:11 - I'm with ya on this CT Rosencrans guy. Dude thinks he knows it all about sports and that he's the funniest, hippest guy around. And he knows nothing about sports and couldn't be less funny or hip. But I guess he must do it for somebody out there. Maybe the 13 - 15 yr old demo?

at 10:07 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

ANON 11:48 It's my guess that Paul and Browning got along real well back in the day.

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