
Paul Daugherty
Enquirer columnist files news and observations

Paul Daugherty
Paul Daugherty has been an Enquirer sports columnist since 1994 and has been chronicling Cincinnati sports since 1988. He has covered almost every major sporting event in America, as well as five Summer Olympics. Along the way, he has been named one of the country's top-5 sports columnists four times, and Ohio columnist of the year on seven different occasions. Last year, he was voted 2nd-best sports columnist in the country, by the Associated Press Sports Editors.

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Monday, February 25, 2008

It's Better Here

Jimmy Buffett Lyric of the Day: I drink a lotta whiskey/it gives me such a glow/ it makes me quite immobile/ but it lets my feelings show.''

Guess the tune, win fabulous prizes.

D. Baker might not be the world's greatest manager -- then again, it's Feb. 25, so who's to say -- but he's definitely the coolest Reds manager since. . . since. . . ever.

I like guys who can step outside what they do. D. Miley and J. Narron didnt exactly qualify. Baker leaps. Small example, more to follow in a column either tomorrow or the next day: Baker has Tupac on his iPod deck in his office...

Decent chance you can't say this about any other manager in the game.


at 10:40 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bramah Fear

at 11:58 AM Blogger Paul Daugherty said...

you got it.. where do I send the Jerry Narron jersey?

at 12:07 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you even know who Tupac is? Or did someone who is familiar with modern day electronics fill you in?

at 1:09 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know.....I thought Lou Piniella was pretty cool....you know, with the whole winning a world championship and a management phiolosphy that wasn't based on kissing players a** and trying to be their buddy.

But I guess you gotta listen to 90's rap to be considered cool nowadays.

at 2:24 PM Blogger KY side of Cincy said...

Batting gloves? Really Dusty? Aarrgghh...

at 3:41 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, listening to rap music that's 10-15 years old makes one cool? wow, cincinnati journalists are easily impressed i guess.

at 4:25 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll see how "cool" you think Dusty is around mid-June when he's blaming everyone and everything but him for the Reds place in the standings. And at which point, he will have surely pulled the race card as well.

at 4:27 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

What goes for everyone elses job also goes for sports as well. "Increase Morale, Increase Productivity!" If you have a good manager with great people skills and player relationship you will have a team wanting to play for the sake of themselves and there manager.
Think about the bosses you have had, the ones you feared made you hate your job. The ones you enjoyed made you better by wanting to be better and enjoying yourself. I think this will hold true for Dusty Baker!
Positive charector helps build positive results! (now if we could just settle our lead off hitter debate)

Mike from the lolly pop forest (to the right of the chocolate mountain and the gum drop municiple detention center)

at 4:27 PM Blogger Paul Daugherty said...

wow, people, bad weekend? 12:07: Yeah, you know I does knows a few stuff 'bout things other than lefty-righty percentages... I like people who are well rounded, you know? Sorry if that disappoints you.

at 4:50 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad all the local journalists are in love with Dusty and treating him with kid gloves. He's got you right where he wants. He's the "coolest" everyone!

at 4:52 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey paul will dusty's famous son darrin baker be a reds bat boy.

at 7:23 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't take it personally, Doc. Koch started moderating his UC blog so they to find a new place to vent.
UC blog was getting out of hand - for some reason, people stay a little more sane on yours - (calling them out occasionally probably works).

at 7:29 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...


Normally I think you are on the target...maybe it's the sun. The definition of cool is what? Tupac on your ipod? When I was a child I thought as a child and reasoned as a child but when I became a man I gave up childish ways (St. Paul). In high school we thought all the cool kids smoked pot and had sex with the naughty girls while the kids who worked with the inner city poor were goody-two-shoes. Today I think the later are cool and the former are fools.

Cool is a manager who leads and does so with integrity. I believe Dusty will do that but let's not slam every other manager by defining cool by the kind of music he has on his ipod.

at 7:35 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul 4:27

It seems your whiskey glow may be sweet sunset your seeing ahead a' yerself. Be careful.

at 7:41 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Tupac = "the coolest." What would you think then if Dusty listened to an artist from this decade? Would he be "the raddest" then?

at 8:05 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

he is a cool cat but the tupac music pretty much is just f*&%$d up other than his taste in music cool guy "to me" hey paul dig your response and i love your writing, you are the only reason i read the cincinnati version of the national enquirer (sorry to rip your employer)i have to find out local stuff in the business journal or, LOL, in a paper of another city, such as NYTimes
glad your here and I hope the reds are worth a darn this year

at 11:48 PM Blogger Cheviot Sports Authority said...

Rap ain't nuthin but crap!

Dusty may be great, maybe not, we will see but I don't think Tupac will win many games this year.

at 12:21 AM Blogger oldtimer said...

I dunno guys the way I sees it is the Doctor Man gets his happies on some Flowreeeeda sunshinies, is all the cheerfull and smiley facey, and wants to heart the light to ya boyz back heres and ya all stuck in Eye Cee Berg Sinsee Bergie is havin the frownies at his happies goes luckies of the firstest dayze of the ending winters. Ya knows what I's means?

Puhleaze to refrain from the rain on his parade, the coldie icie is makin' too many frownies, be of good cheeries. No to overanalizin' the light heart to death, yo man, bein way too Sinseenatti fo me and My Main Man the doctor of Zee Sportin/ Word. And that;s alls I gots a sayin.

May the Dusty Man bring flavors of the New World and smilies to hearts hardened of Phyrric Victories. Amens. The Oldey Man has spake.

at 1:34 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul let us know really, is this guy the real deal or not. Should I be excited or wait until next year already? Can he win here?

at 1:39 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul, I'm almost your age. How do you put up with this crap? no way could I.
BTW, what happened to your "Everday" articles on Sunday? I enjoyed reading about "the kid down the hall" and such.
TimW in SC, aka UKRedsFAN

at 9:51 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe it is just me but i like dusty baker and tupac. paul please dont ever write about dusty baker and claim that he is cool. maybe the whole tupac thing was a bad reference for this city. I do also know that baker is a pink floyd and led zepplin fan. If you dont like either of those bands then get our of my city (yeah, its mine[braveheart]). apparently there isnt much more to life for these bloggers than winning baseball games and slandering others with race issues or blasting all of the writers in this town on their articals.

I may have read the artical incorrectly but i didnt think it was about winning or knowing baseball (1:09) it was more about being a likable person with a touch of culture and an open mind. Nope, never mind, no it wasnt... sorry!

Letsjust do what we usually do and pull out the race card on dusty before he pulls it on us. (gosh i am so silly)

Mike from vergicaliflagantonio

(will someone also please point out my spelling and gramatical errors?)

at 10:36 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pete Rose was the coolest -- in a Las Vegas kind of way.

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. (Not!)

at 11:21 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

He says a retirement goal of his is to become "a wine dude.'' Far out.

Wifey just brought back 6 bottles of the best white wine in the world from Germany...A Mosel river wine so good that they don't export any of it. It all gets consumed there. A wonderful grape that isn't even cultivated here in the states. Too bad.

In any case, Cincy could use Dusty getting into wine (in a non-Huggins kind of way).

We've got some great wineries in Ohio, the very best being Firelands up near Marblehead on Lake Erie. (The Golden Lamb uses their outstanding Guwurtztraminer. Their Pinot, Riesling, Cabernet, and various American grapes are all award winners.)

Another favorite is Moyers, right alongside the Ohio just out of Aberdeen, Ohio, on Rt 52. (Across river from Maysville, Ky.) Good wine (not outstanding), but the riverview, country setting, and food is excellent.

And I don't own shares in any of these. Just a lover of good and great wine.

at 11:57 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's on Marvin's iPod?

at 12:23 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it ironic that in the same post you're quoting Buffet lyrics, you crowning "coolness" to other's based on their music taste.

at 1:20 PM Blogger Paul Daugherty said...

Not from 'Nati... Buffett because I'm sitting in an 80-degree, sunny clime wearing flip-flops and a T-shirt. I like the early JB, all the way through Changes in Latitudes... before he started believing the hype. The 1st album is especially good.

at 3:52 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

He won't be totally cool until he builds a library.

at 3:02 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me see if I'm following along correctly here: The home town team that has done nothing but lose since Great American Cash Cow opened has a new manager that has won 1000 games. The local scribe get's one of the cushy assignments that accompanies the poor pay from The Enquire and reports that the new manager is hip because he listens to 2pac...and Doc is the D-bag??? Well, somebody better tell Smokey Robinson he's not cool because he hasn't recorded a relevant song in 25 years...unbelieveable.

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