Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes
Let me see if I have this straight:
Have there been any trade offers for Chad Johnson?
Oh, wait. Yes there have.
The offer was 2 No. 1 draft picks from the Redskins?
No, it wasnt. That's errant.
Oh, wait. As a matter of fact, it was a No. 1 this year and a conditional No. 3 next, which could turn out to be a No. 1 if Chad meets Redskins incentives that were unspecified.
Come on.
How hard is it to simply answer "Yes'' to Question No. 1, politely decline to get into specifics and, you know, Move Forward? Instead, coach gets confused or misremembers or whatever, and PR department issues a release that clouds things further.
As far as I'm concerned, the Bengals should take the offer and juggle the caponomics. Instead, their intent is to call Johnson's bluff and see who blinks first. The club is banking on Chad's passion for the game and the fact he has nothing else going on in his life. And oh yeah, that even Chad will recognize that $3 mil is a lot of money.
Maybe, the club is right. But if Chad reports after eating every crow in America, how do you think his mood might be? Does anyone really believe a narcissist like Ocho Cinqo is going to let bygones be bygones and play with a clear head and purpose?
Does anyone else see a train wreck a-comin'?
So for a pound of Chad flesh, the Bengals are willing to potentially torpedo a season before it begins. Because they won't manage the cap, they're planning to keep Chad on board. If he chooses not to ride, they're out a Pro Bowl player and 2 high picks from the Redskins. And Chad still counts $8 million against the cap.
I'm sure this makes perfect sense to some. In fact, it being the Bengals and all, it does make sense. Sense being relative as it applies to the local professional football corporation.
So, hey, go with it. Chad sits, Bengals out a great talent, Bengals veto a couple high picks, season gets stupid earlier than usual. Can't wait for September.
I hate to say it... it may be a first in a long time. But I completely agree with Mike Brown and Marvin Lewis.
Chad Johnson is the second highest paid WR in football... he has no complaint.
I think they are right to call his bluff.... if he doesn't want to play and be rich he can stay home.
You can't continue to let the chickens run the hen house.
Its not like the Bengals are a real threat to win the Super Bowl anyway.
If the owners were smart they would support the Bengals because they FOR ONCE are on the right side of the fight.
I suspect (re:hope) that the Bengals are saying what they are now to set the stage for a better trade deal than what the Redskins were offering. Maybe they want two first rounders or more picks in general. Saying they'll let CJ sit lets the other teams know they will not accept a fire sale deal.
The shout out to Chad to be a man and sit out the season is just a plea not to destroy the team in case their gambit doesn't work.
I've been buying the whole "it's impossible to trade Ocho Loco because we'd take an 8 million dollar (with Dr. Evil pinky raised) salary cap hit" thing. Now I'm not so sure. Can you expound a little more on this snippet I read from a Chris Mortensen article for ESPN:
"Trading Johnson also would mean Cincinnati would take an $8 million salary cap hit, but the Bengals are currently $10.5 million under the cap and could restructure other contracts if they wanted to create even more space. Additionally, as one anonymous owner told, 'There's nothing wrong with dead money. It's cash already paid and it's cash back in your pocket that you don't have to spend, especially with the [high] amount of everyone's salary cap these days."
Help a confused Bengalized fan out here and give us your thoughts. Also, could someone please tell us what the cap hit would be if they traded Loco after June 1st? I keep hearing that it will be less that $8 million, but nobody ever gives specifics.
John in Cold Spring
There will be no better trade deal. The 'Skins are insane for offering as much as they did. The Patriots gave up a single 4th round pick for Randy Moss. Randy Moss>>>>>>>>Chad Johnson every year, but last year especially. Once again, Mike Brown is more interested in making a point and cutting off his own nose to spite his face than he is about the opportunity to get one or two more high quality players in positions of need. You're telling me it's better to prove a point to one petulant player who plays one of the least significant positions in football than it is to figure out how to pay a 1st round d-tackle, a 1st round wideout/linebacker/o-lineman, and an extra first day pick next year? How does that improve this team?
Of course, I am writing under the faulty assumption that Mike Brown is actually interested in winning rather than milking the county and the fans dry while investing the bare minimum back into his product.
Have to assume Bengals are positioning for a trade after June 1 to spread cap hit.
Nothing else makes sense, even in Bengalville.
Agree Paul >> Marvin must have lost the ability to think before he speaks, somewhere along the way....
John from Cold Spring again. Along with the other questions I asked earlier, could you also make sense of this statement from Geoff Hobson on
"As for the draft picks you would get in exchange for Chad, the club would get extra salary cap room to cover signing those picks. But it offers no cap relief."
First, and maybe I don't understand this because I'm not a "capologist," he seems to contradict himself by saying more draft picks mean more salary cap room but there is no "cap relief." What?
Second, if there is indeed extra cap room when a team has extra draft picks, then what's the hold up with dumping Ocho Loco? Send him to Oakland, get some picks, make the playoffs and have the last laugh.
Thanks again,
John from Cold Spring
Bengals shoulda taken the deal and RUN! Everybody wins, distraction is over, problem is solved, let's move on. Course, if you think about it. win is a word the Bengals don't use often. For obvious reasons.
Lessee now... there was the botched 8 picks for one with New Orleans, but this one might rank higher. Course there was the trade-oops-no trade earlier this year, can anyone not admit this team is completely inept? Marvin Lewis has developed a habit of 'misspeaking' the last few years, which we all know is double speak for lying.
Much like Marge Schott and Pete Rose, denial runs deep in the Bengals organization. It's only when this stuff gets played on a national stage do any of the principles finally come clean. And look really really stupid. Once again Cincinnati is the home of professional stupidity.
I gotta tell ya between the Bengals and Reds ownership and management they make it almost impossible to follow sports in this city.Take the 8million dollar hit...Chad doesn't want to play here and I frankly am sick of his hitrionics. He whines more than a 6 year old girl. Worse than that is Mike Brown's unwillingness to do anything about it. Take the high road JUST ONCE! Get rid of him before he poisons the rest of the team... ala Corey Dillon
Let's imagine the best case scenario, Chad gets sick of being grounded in his room and asks to come back and play. His parents (Marvin & Mike) "teach" him a lesson, yada yada yada.
So what do we have at that point?
1. An overrated, but still top 5 in the league, pro bowl talent
2. A distraction whether he is happy or sad.
3. The same offense that couldn't run the ball or play physically
4. The same terrible defense
5. "Proof" to Bengals management that their stubborn stance was right
6. "Proof" to the fans that the bottom line is what matters most to Mike Brown
7. "Proof" to Mike Brown that tradtional, 50's style business management practices are still en vogue
I don't expect Mike Brown to be able to think differently than he has for the past 20 years.
I do expect Marvin Lewis to stand up and plead his case so the Bengals can do the right thing, and not become Mike Brown "Jr."
How can Marvin see results above as a good thing?
Why not bring in more young talent, bring in WR help from the draft, Free Agents, or future "cuts" in training camp, and remove ourselves of this problem...which let's not kid ourselves, has been a problem for years now.
Please ask Marvin why he is accepting the Mike Brown standard and not working to improve this football team as he pledged when he first took this job and gave all of Bengaldom hope.
Thank you.
Lebanon Ohio
Season Ticket holder and no longer Chad "fan"
Simon, thanks for one of the most intelligent posts I've ever had, on any subject. This shouldnt be about vengeance. Chad's already gone, even if he comes back. It should be about what's best for the team, long term. I have a word for what has happened to Marvin Lewis in the last year or so: Bengalized. It gets them all, sooner or later.
One real #1 and one real #3 that might possibly be a #1?
Surely, there is a receiver out there someplace who can match up with Chad who will require the expenditure of only one #1 pick.
The Bengals puzzle me to no end.
On the trade rumors et al (kinda on topic).
Here's how it goes around here:
1. Mortenson or report it.
2. BenGAL's front office, players and coach (with that stupid condescending smirk in tow) all deny it vehemently.
3. Story gets out, can't be contained by MB and co.
4. BenGALs finally acknowledge, but usually tell different version.
5. Truth finally comes out- (see item #1)
What did the local media or the BenGALs do to Mort to make him have such a jones for the GALs? He is killing the local media when it comes to scoops which makes me wonder how a guy in Bristol CT can know more than our guys who are here, in BenGAL offices, talking to GAL players. coaches, staff. Is the local media simply mouth pieces for the GALs? Seriously, I have implored who dey heads for years now to read other NFL team coverage in other cities and see what it means to have your team covered. These issues with Chad and the gang have been there for a while and Mark and Doc were not eager to report them when times were good (2005) for fear of a massive who dey head backlash.
Who Dey Heads listen up- let MArk and company report, the good, bad and ugly or your team will always suck. They are the fans' watchdog and the team's checks and balances, let them do their jobs, even in the midst of a good season should one ever take place here.
Simon, I agree totally with your point and I said it three days ago. If you leave trash sitting around your house it will start stinking the place up.
Time for Chad to go...Pro Bowl or not, there will always be another Chad somewhere. It is really our fear that the Benagals are letting a great player go that is causing so much apprehension. If the Bengals had a history of only wanting first tier talent, then none of us would have blinked at letting Chad go. We are so "Bengalized" ourselves that we are afraid to let great players go because we have been conditioned to expect mediocre.
Take the trash to the curb and look for another GREAT WR.
Also, someone slap Chris Henry and tell him "see dummy, you could have been number two behind TJ if you could have kept your head out of your @ss long enough"
John in Hebron
Maybe before you go playing Nostradamus and predicting a massive train wreck, take a peak at the Chicago/Lance Briggs situation; the same Lance Briggs that verbally promised never to play another game for the Bears.
"I'll do everything in my power to get out of this organization".
What you and a lot of people fail to realize is that money speaks louder than words. Chad, whose passion you have never denied him of, will return to the Bengals and do the same thing he does every year.
Let's see how quickly the potential boos for Chad turn to cheers when he's leading the league in yards, again.
This is just getting ridiculous. The only thing Begalized are these insane predictions; but I know, makes good reading material.
It appears to me that Marvin Lewis is another diplomate from "The Jerry Narron School of Candor and Media Relations." Anyone else notice the simularities?
East Dude
Sounds simple to me why they turned it down. MB is not keen on the idea of paying No. 1 type money.
First off, I think the Bengals are fools (As usual) for not taking the offer. Beyond that, I see only one way out for Chad. Mike Brown is NOT backing down - count on that. If Chad wants to play football next year -and he does - he needs to fire Drew Rosenhaus.
Fire Rosenhaus, publicly blame him for this whole mess and hope Bengal Nation takes him back into the fold. (Which will take it the approximate lenght of time it takes Chad to score his first touchdown) At this point, there really is no other workable strategy - Pat
What would have worked - Bungholes..uh hum, Bengals take Redskins trade (#21 and 2009 1st/3rd round pick). Bengals offer 2008 #9 pick and 2nd round pick for top 5 pick. They take Dorsey/Ellis with top 5 pick and Thomas/Kelly at 21. Pick another WR and DT later in the draft, draft best available each other pick and smile during Monday's post-draft press conference.
Outcome - No Chad to deal with, DT/WR covered for the next 5 years, everybody is happy. Chad has to catch passes from Jason Campbell next 3 years.
Oh wait, that makes way too much sense. These ARE the Bengals, you know.
See a train Wreck coming? The Bungals are a train wreck in process, have been and will be as long as Mike Brown is in charge. Since I have accepted this, It's actually more fun to watch this stuff than the crap they put on the field.
Amen GRIN!
Once you accept Mike Brown's eternal failure, the Bengals are actually funny to watch as they lurch & jerk and their current coach (whoever) tries to sound relevant.
It just hurts when I pay the tax on a new vehicle/etc, knowing part is going in Mike's pocket.
Don't be fooled into thinking this is MB's grand stand for virtue and ethics. His decisions are 100%driven by money. Plain and simple, any potential trade for CJ means a higher cost for MB and therefore no trade will happen.
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