
Paul Daugherty
Enquirer columnist files news and observations

Paul Daugherty
Paul Daugherty has been an Enquirer sports columnist since 1994 and has been chronicling Cincinnati sports since 1988. He has covered almost every major sporting event in America, as well as five Summer Olympics. Along the way, he has been named one of the country's top-5 sports columnists four times, and Ohio columnist of the year on seven different occasions. Last year, he was voted 2nd-best sports columnist in the country, by the Associated Press Sports Editors.

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

XU and bus rides

To escape the absolute zero that is downtown Phoenix, I paid $2.50 today for an all-day bus pass. Two buses and an hour an 10 minutes later, I was in Scottsdale. Buses are aliens in Scottsdale, Phoenix's version of, I dunno, Beverly Hills.

I love public transportation. One, because it's the most egalitarian way to travel. If you ever ride the El in Chicago, from the airport to downtown, you will encounter every walk of life. (And many limps of life.) The train/bus doesnt care who you are or how much money you make. It goes the same speed for everyone. I once rode the train in from Ohare in a crowded compartment with a bag lady, going from face to face asking for money. She told an incredibly sad story about her son who was killed in Vietnam. As she worked her way up the aisle, you could see the Suits ease their newspapers from their laps to practically on top of their heads.

One other time, I rode the Pacific Coast train from San Diego to San Juan Capistrano, just for the hell of it. (Highly recommend it; lots right along the ocean. Stop at San Clemente Beach.) Anyway, I'm a seat in front of this man and woman. They are strangers in San Diego. An hour later, they're arm in arm when they get off at San Juan Cap. I'll always wonder what happened.

The bus here is Latins, African Americans, street people and me. Some are going to work, some are killing time. "How are you?'' from one guy is answered "I lost my house, dude'' by another. "Where you living?'' is followed by "on the street.''

Scottsdale is very nice, in a rich-people kind of way. But I did find a hole-in-the-wall, honest-to-Dios Mexican place for lunch, which made 2 1/2 hrs on the bus worth it. Plus, it's 85 and sunny here and there's lots to look at, if youknowwhuttamean.

As for the game... X wins if they hold J. Alexander to his average (17), defend the 3 and break even on the boards. X loses if Lavender has a bad night and the refs let everyone play. I say X has too much talent for the U. of Huggs... 68-65...


at 6:34 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 7:34 PM, you're looking good as a bookie. X 21 - Huggins 10. Hope it goes this way.

at 6:41 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, mass transit can be a trip. Charlotte has a great light rail - brand new & crowded.
I took one look at the crowd and took my wallet out of my back pocket and put it in a front pocket.

at 6:58 PM Blogger Unknown said...

The real story out of Phoenix seems to be how much the city sucks. I've been to Scotsdale to visit family, but we never went downtown. Maybe now I know why. Wikipedia says light rail is to be completed there sometime this year...

Also, here in Columbus they have already switched to the UNC-WSU game. Are they sticking with X in Cincy?

at 9:23 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

PDaug predicts a 3 point X win - they win by 4. Wow!
If the sports-writer gig goes south >> bookie money isn't too shabby.
Good call & BTW, great game.
And you gotta give Huggie his props too - great coaching job this year.

at 3:07 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prof. You should rent a car and drive to Vegas to visit your former student. I know you are not a big gambler, but we could check out the Beatles Love show at the Mirage or drive to Primm and see Kenny Loggins (you seem like a Kenny Loggins kind of guy). Yoou could write a column about NCAA betting and expense the whole side trip. By the way, my 20 bucks on Xavier at 60-1 is starting to look pretty good.

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