
Paul Daugherty
Enquirer columnist files news and observations

Paul Daugherty
Paul Daugherty has been an Enquirer sports columnist since 1994 and has been chronicling Cincinnati sports since 1988. He has covered almost every major sporting event in America, as well as five Summer Olympics. Along the way, he has been named one of the country's top-5 sports columnists four times, and Ohio columnist of the year on seven different occasions. Last year, he was voted 2nd-best sports columnist in the country, by the Associated Press Sports Editors.

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

read it and weep

Zimpher joins NCAA Board of Directors

CINCINNATI, Ohio — University of Cincinnati President Nancy Zimpher has been named to the Division I Board of Directors of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) as the representative of the BIG EAST Conference. Zimpher will serve a four-year term.
“I’m honored to represent the BIG EAST, one of the nation’s premier athletics conferences. College Athletics are an important part of universities and I am excited to be entrusted with this important responsibility to work with other conference representatives in providing governance for the NCAA,” Zimpher said.
“We are extremely pleased that President Zimpher has been appointed to the NCAA Board of Directors,” said BIG EAST Conference Commissioner Michael Tranghese. “The NCAA Board of Directors plays a vital role in national issues. Nancy is an outstanding choice and we are very fortunate to have her represent the BIG EAST.”
The NCAA is a voluntary organization through which the nation’s colleges and universities govern their athletics programs. It involves more than 1,250 institutions, conferences, organizations and individuals.
The NCAA Board of Directors is the primary decision-making body in Division I, with the ultimate responsibility for the policy and direction of the division and for adopting any changes to the operating bylaws and rules of Division I. The NCAA Board of Directors is comprised of 18 Division I CEO’s, with each member serving a four-year term. Other duties of the board include establishing the budget, general policies and strategic plan for the NCAA.
Zimpher began her presidency of the University of Cincinnati on October 1, 2003.


at 9:05 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean, "Read it and reap," don't you? This is a very good thing. Much as Huggins lovers hate to acknowledge this, Z is highly respected in her realm, maybe especially because she had the nads to get rid of him.

This development can only help UC - it can never hurt it. Be positive, Paul!

at 12:09 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever actually read UC21? I have, and it is the biggest pile of double speak, happy talk, and hot air imaginable. How come no one in academia ever comes up with a plan where costs don't increase at three times the rate of inflation, and a kid doesn't have to assume the cost of home mortgage just to get a degree? Nancy pants is an example of what is wrong with the system. She'd rather toss away a couple million dollars because she doesn't like a guy, than exercise fiscal responsibility. If Huggs was so bad fire him for cause, and not pay him. These people are lazy and don't care. It's not her money, it's not the board of trustees money. Guess who picks up the tab for her actions.

at 1:08 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only wish somebody would offer her a full-time job elsewhere. I'm no Huggins lover, but I'm not blind either. I can see what Zimpher did to the basketball program at UC and I dont like it.

at 1:56 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul-I agree w/ 9:05. Myself and other UC graduates and fans think this could be advantageous. Mike's and Pres. Z's appointments might lead to some more advantageous rulings from the NCAA if we're actually establishing working relationships w/ the powers that be. I'm not implying favoritism, I am just talking about "fair" decisions. Over the years, NCAA rulings have seemed rather harsh. Remember the local basketball player who had signed to play @ UC, but ended up transfering to Texas because a family friend and mentor bought him a suit. Think Reggie Bush! Think about the UC players this past year who were declared ineligible! It's about time UC get more involved at the national level. It mat or may not help but it probably won't hurt.

at 2:01 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure the acedemic types at the Universities all hate their coaches. They probably do love Nancy because she fired Huggins (and lets be frank, Nancy fired Huggins).

It is kind of like the guy who tells his boss where to stick it and quits. You secretly think its great but would never do it yourself.

Those University presidents love her for firing Huggs. But they wouldn't have the guts to do it because they know they would be out the door eventually. So they appoint her to all these important sounding positions which don't do anything except waste taxpayer money while tuition rises 10% each year.

Yeah, they love her alright.

at 2:59 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say she's stalking Huggins. Someone warn Bob before it's too late. It's a consipiracy by the NCAA to drive Hug's from college basketball. The Big East couldn't get any other president to take the job. Nancy thought she was signing up for the National College Activist Association.

at 9:45 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 1:56 anon

What are you smoking?????

Zimpher was the absolute worst thing that could have happened to UC!!!

I will be more than happy if she lands someplace else so she can work her magic with them.

To 9:05 am

Highly respected??? you are absolutely nuts???? Just look at what has happened to a united UC community since she has arrived.

If the NCAA is so stupid as to appoint her to anything they certainly deserve what they get.the best thing that could happen to UC is that someone actually believed that spew you are shoveling. I hope OSU does and we can finally get rid of thei pariah.

at 3:07 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another resume-building title for NanZi. Heck, if she cared about building a winning athletic program as she does about promoting herself and her agenda, UC would be a better place.

Good luck competing with Rutgers and South Florida.

at 9:10 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul---not to worry. Have you ever heard the term "kicked upstairs"? This could simply be preparation for her eventual exit from UC.

The University has to do something to spruce up her resume, and serving on some "important committees" might just be the ticket. I think this is the 2nd appointment to some sort of regional committee I've heard her receive in the past several months. If she does an adequate job, she can use it as leverage when she moves on.

Dr. Zimpher has done the job she was hired by the BOT to do--there is nothing left she needs to accomplish in Cincinnati. She dumped Bob and dumped on the alumni. UC|21 will be the perfect headache for the NEXT University president.

There are AT LEAST 2 HUGE positions with her name on the list that I am aware of at this point. She would consider either title an upgrade over being president of UC.

Fret not my children--we may not be able to drop a house on her from out of the sky (ala Wizard of Oz), but maybe we can get her "promoted away" so she can terrorize some other institution(s).

I can hear the munchkins singing already!

at 9:23 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to tell you 9:05 an 1:56---this shouldn't be a news flash, but I'll cue you in: Nancy Zimpher has a pronounced DISDAIN for college athletics! I know this FOR A FACT!

If you think this appointment will smooth the way for favorable rulings from the NCAA...I will have to disappoint you. She would just as soon see UC go to DII or intramural sports if she plans on staying in Cincinnati for the long term.

Fiscally, this position would be impractical--but don't expect her to fend vigorously for our athletes during her tenure. She will more likely attempt to rally the committee to downplay the role of DI sports in academia--the sort of stance Gordon Gee (her ex-mentor) might espouse.

This is the kind of appointment that can lead to more powerful positions for Dr. Zimpher--I suspect that her ambition will lead her away from Cincinnati and on to a national campaign to downplay DI athletics. I am certain she would enjoy the opportunity...

Just Sayin'!

at 2:43 PM Blogger ewad said...

Myles Brand proved that if you nail the right pelt on the wall you can get a big NCAA job. Nancy followed in his footsteps. Neither should be really proud.

at 11:39 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nancy certainly cannot hurt, and may help, that totally dysfunctional organization known as the NCAA, which views a $10 lunch as worse than illiterate "student"-athletes who can't graduate from third-rate universities. (Not much of a compliment, I know; my dog could improve the NCAA.)

at 1:23 AM Blogger Glenn said...

I'm continually amazed that posters here equate on-court success with a university's reputation and academic success. Zimpher has brought in an incredible amount of money for UC, and fired a coach who was giving us a terrible national reputation. Mick will turn it around, and we just hired a great football coach. I couldn't be happier with her.

at 8:34 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...


Dr. Zimpher hasn't personally brought ONE THIN DIME into UC--the money UC has garnered through grants and donations are owed primarily to the faculty--the vast majority of whom were working at UC long before her arrival. If anything, her comments and actions have COST the University loads of potential cash. UC is currently over 30 MILLION in debt--look at the numbers--they are scary.

As a UC alum, I also take umbrage at her assertion that UC academic reputation was something to be ashamed of prior to her arrival. That assertion is ludicrous, and has served as the cornerstone of UC|21. She has run off 8 DEANS in her short tenure, not to mention a large number of qualified professors and support staff. The VAST MAJORITY of the University community are crossing their fingers hoping she will leave Cincinnati soon.

Don't buy the hype put out by the University spokesmen and/or the local papers--TALK TO THE PEOPLE THAT WORK THERE. They'll give you valuable insight into the type of "leader" Dr. Zimpher actually is..

Just Sayin'!

at 11:17 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul--with the recent contract extension of Dr. Zimpher, I have heard some disturbing rumors that she has the long-term goal of allowing UC athletics to "wither on the vine" so that she can move UC to DII status.

Please find out if there is anything to this rumor--maybe you could sit down with Dr. Zimpher and do an in-depth interview to find out what she feels the role of athletics is in the college environment.

There are A LOT of concerned alumni w/o an impact on her extension, and they would be interested in her long-term plans for the AD.

Fill us in!

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