
Paul Daugherty
Enquirer columnist files news and observations

Paul Daugherty
Paul Daugherty has been an Enquirer sports columnist since 1994 and has been chronicling Cincinnati sports since 1988. He has covered almost every major sporting event in America, as well as five Summer Olympics. Along the way, he has been named one of the country's top-5 sports columnists four times, and Ohio columnist of the year on seven different occasions. Last year, he was voted 2nd-best sports columnist in the country, by the Associated Press Sports Editors.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

the dixie chicks

They're on the cover of Time magazine this week. You might recall the story: At a concert in London in 2003, Chick Natalie Maines told the crowd, "We're ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.'' Uh-oh.

They're releasing a new album, so the world wonders what sort of reception it will get. Here's what I wonder: Why should anyone care what a trio of musicians thinks about the president?

I've made this argument a million times, be it about Tom Cruise or John Rocker or Bruce Springsteen. Their political views don't please me or anger me. They make me chuckle. I don't care what Nelson Mandela thinks about the designated hitter. Why should I care what Natalie Maines thinks about George Bush?

Maybe in a larger context, I'm missing the boat. You could argue effectively that music played a role in our pulling out of Vietnam. You could look to Bono and say he has raised awareness of global hunger and the like, especially in Africa. I have no problem w/high profile entertainers using their status to do something grander than make money. I just don't give a damn what they think about politics or the environment or foreign relations. I enjoy Springsteen's music, much of it. I couldn't care less about his take on Bush.

Act. Play music. Be a Chick. If you want to be political, run for office. Meantime, entertain me.


at 10:14 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couldn't have said it any better. I don't care what some actor/actress/musician thinks about politics. I didn't go out to watch your movie or buy your CD to get your views on that.

at 1:21 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again you are dead on point... keep up the good work.

at 1:22 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely. One of the reasons I like Steely Dan so much is that you have NO idea what their politics are. Donald Fagen & Walter Becker just play good tunes and don't use an album or a stage as a soapbox.

at 2:52 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

right on, not one really cares what the dixie chicks think.

at 3:06 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Controversy sells albums. Nuff said, Later Al

at 3:30 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

...I disagree. I may not care for what they think, but what they “say” is different. Yes, it does matter. I'm an American. I enjoy my way of life. We should protect that way of life for our children. If it means that we need to go somewhere and destroy an enemy, or free a society, to accomplish this - then I'm all for it. I absolutely don't want to hear some Hollywood fake or a spoiled entertainer, with a "my life is just fine so lets leave everyone else alone" attitude up on a stage somewhere speaking for the average Joe here in the USA. If any one of “them” had a loved one in grave danger, or an attacker that was about to cause them financial ruin…..I believe their feelings would do a quick 180.
I’m an American, and proud to be one!

at 4:01 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul, shouldn't readers say the same about your feelings on anything not related to sports? For example, why should anyone care about what you think of the Dixie Chicks? You're a sport columnist, so write about sports or shut up.

So goes your logic, anyway.

at 6:52 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a different view. Americans traveling abroad come into contact with negative feelings because of the action of our government or leaders.

The Dixie Chick have every right to disassociate themselves with unpopular actions taken by their president, especially when they feel the same way about the policy as their foreign audience does.

I am an American, served my country, but am opposed to the war in Iraq, especially since our President told outright lies, which he knew to be lies when he led us into this quagmire.

God Bless America and anyone who voices an opinion which they believe to be right. It is our obligation to speak out when the government is on the wrong track.

at 7:35 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Their opinion as "left" (right) as it is, represents the opinion of about 70% of the Americans now (that was not the case when it was made, then the people trusted in the president).

Every American has the right to make any statement they wish. The Dixie Chicks had the added advantage of being right then and now.

at 8:52 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...


Paul's logic wasn't for the Dixie Chicks to shut up....it's that he doesn't care. So there is no fault in his logic.

at 9:47 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul's closing remark was, "Act. Play music. Be a Chick. If you want to be political, run for office. Meantime, entertain me."

In other words, "If you going to open your mouth, sing. Otherwise, shut up."

at 2:17 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

He doesn't tell them to be quiet or shut up. He says it makes him laugh and that he doesn't care.

PD is not only a sports columnist; and columnists, by definition, write their opinions.

Still don't see the faulty logic.

at 6:17 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Daugherty: If your point is that you don't care what Natalie Maines has to say on matters of politics, why are you blogging about it? Clearly, you do care. I don't believe that any entertainer or celebrity is by rule more intelligent OR less intelligent than any other person. They are just people with opinions like everyone else, and they have a right to voice them like everyone else. If you're going to say "if you want to be political, run for office" to Natalie Maines, be prepared to say the same thing to every other American who voices a political opinion of any kind in public. Otherwise, you're a hypocrite.

at 7:04 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Louis nailed it for ya PD. No one cares what you think about the DCs.
As for the moronic comment about Saddam and women treated as chattel, just goes to show how absolutely clueless the average Joe is. Dogsrule, you cleraly know nothing about the Middle East or the status of women in dirtbag Saddam (installed and serviced by US tax bucks). Let's bomb somebody else. Maybe we'll get it right one of these days.

at 2:02 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dog, once upon a time I relied on experts like Zbig to feed me an informed opinion. If you read his Grand Chessboard, you'll notice he called for the US to move into Central Asia in a resource grab. Now, he's working the other side of the street. Ain't no left - right here in the Land o' da Free.

Iraq under Saddam was the most open, Westernized nation in the Arab world. Women had a many or more freedoms than in any other Muslim nation. That's history.

You splain to me some time how ol' Osama (codename Tim Osman) managed to put the entire US Airforce to sleep for over an hour. Once upon a time I believed our military had procedures to automatize responses. We even scrambled fighters 67 times in the year before 911. Blair's number three man pointed that out in an article several years ago (http://politics.guardian.co.uk/iraq/comment/0,12956,1036687,00.html )Osama sure did get lucky on that one. Golly.

I never questioned Doc on the baseball.

at 6:55 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly, Paul's pro-Bush (and how you can be in these times still baffle the hell out of me...)

Trying to put a muzzle on someone's opinion is pretty Un-American. I think it's our duty as Americans to question our leaders. They're not speaking out on a measure or bill - this is the PRESIDENT of the FREE WORLD for Chrissake.

at 4:31 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact that anyone is talking about what the Dixie Chicks think about polictics shows the rightness of their opinion three years after they made the statement. The majority of Americans have come to agree with the Dixie Chick analysis of the situation on the eve of this ill advised national disaster.

It was wrong from an analytical standpoint, a moral standpoint, a national interest standpoint and an economic standpoint. We are worst off now as a result on the world scene. Prior to this invasion, the majority of the world backed the US position in responding to 911. All we've done is stirred up a hornet's nest in Iraq and provided 150,000 targets to the extremists who hate us. Now we have the Iraqi nationalists and average citizens of that country hating us. More people in the Arab world hate us now than ever. All we have to show for it was the removal of one dictator who was scared of us, and will probably be replaced by another dictator who will have no fear of us after we are forced to leave

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