
Paul Daugherty
Enquirer columnist files news and observations

Paul Daugherty
Paul Daugherty has been an Enquirer sports columnist since 1994 and has been chronicling Cincinnati sports since 1988. He has covered almost every major sporting event in America, as well as five Summer Olympics. Along the way, he has been named one of the country's top-5 sports columnists four times, and Ohio columnist of the year on seven different occasions. Last year, he was voted 2nd-best sports columnist in the country, by the Associated Press Sports Editors.

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

why do we watch?

To this day, whenever images of 911 appear on the screen, I look away. I havent seen any of the post-911 movies, and won't. When the Bengals played in New York the following September, I wanted to go the site of the Towers, just to honor the dead. I couldnt bring myself to do it. The last thing I watched about that day was the service at the National Cathedral in Washington, the morning after. I don't think I've cried since.

Which prompts the question: Why do we watch?

The lunatic who murdered 32 students sent, among other things, a videotape to NBC. Anyone who wanted to see the ravings of a madchild has seen them by now. I will never watch it. Did you? Were you spellbound? We handle tragedy and grief in our own ways. Maybe watching it helps you understand it. More likely, a morbid curiosity holds you. It's like rubbernecking at a wreck on the highway, writ large.

I can't do it. Too sad. Just like 911.


at 11:50 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I don't share your sentiments re: 9/11 completely, I do agree wholeheartedly that all this hype about this child's video and pictures is ridiculous. This coward's dying wish was that he would finally be the center of attention on a huge stage, and NBC was more than happy to oblige him. Why air it at all? This is the most cowardly crime committed in this country I can remember in quite some time. This is on par with the suicide bombers who blow up buses and restaurants and wedding receptions. Take out a personal vendetta on completely innocent and utterly defenseless peers and professors, chain the doors shut so that they're captive targets, then don't stick around to face the consequences. Why does this coward deserve a national audience?

at 12:08 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tend to agree, but I say take it one step further. All of the media attention has been on how insane this kid was. At what point do we begin to deny him the attention he so desperately desired and focus on the lives of the victims. It does them no injustice not to leave behind the memory of the nut job and celebrate the lives of those kids and professors.

Just my 2 cents.

at 12:20 PM Blogger rsaccone said...

I agree with you 100%. I had a difficult time driving to work this morning without hearing the audio portion of the video message. So I turned the radio off and drove in silence.

I don't understand it...I'm tired of hearing stories of lives ending too early. Whether it be in Iraq, on our streets, and now, in our schools. This madness must end!

at 1:44 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not rubbernecking; I think a lot of us genuinely want to know what drives a person to murder 30something people.

So, it's not giving him the attention he desires, it's just trying to make sense of the whole thing.

at 1:45 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the expression is "Unless you study the past, history is doomed to repeat itself"

Asking "why" is a perfectly legitimate question.

at 3:49 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more you learn about why someone commits a horrible crime the better prepared you can be to prevent it from happening in the future. You HAVE to listen to these people if you don't you are a fool. Understanding is the key to preventing.

at 3:56 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that stuff the murderer sent to NBC--that's evidence. When NBC made the horrific broadcast, that made them an accessory after-the-fact to the gruesome killings at V-Tech. I wish the FBI would've just confiscated all the stuff NBC was sent. Why were they allowed to make copies of EVIDENCE? what happens if it turns out that the creep who did the shootings had accomplices (besides NBC)? There may be clues and connections to any accomplices in that box of stuff. How dare NBC inform us of that murderer's "...manifesto? The airing and re-airing of that killer's name along with his horrific acts will only encourage the others out there who are like him and want the fame he's now getting. Let's all turn off NBC and make them apologize to the families of the victims. i bet even the murderer's parents don't want to see that box of evidence. SHAME ON YOU NBC - WHERE'S YOUR RESPECT FOR OUR DEAD? WHERE'S YOUR SENSE OF MORALITY?!!!

at 6:22 PM Blogger Unknown said...

Paul, could you email me. Would like to pick your brain on Huggs, etc.

Jim Laise

at 10:30 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...


You have to look in order to steel your resolve to never let it happen again. It's like watching "Night and Fog" about the Holocaust atrocities--not pleasant, but it puts an indelible stamp in your brain so that we don't repeat history. It also helps you look for early warning signs of disaster and avoid debacles like we witnessed this past week.

Apparently, this kid had been trouble to those around him for quite some time--his psych evaluation was NOT GOOD. People like this need to be monitored, not put out in the general population as if nothing is wrong.

As for the 9-11 hijackers...how is it that you instruct someone in how to fly (but not land!) a plane and that doesn't throw up all kinds of red flags! Mystery to me...

A lot of this stuff is just common sense...

Just Sayin'!

at 12:08 PM Blogger pat w. said...

To me the video just illustrates the degree of the kid's insanity. From there I tend to ge caught up in my anger over the ease with which these nuts can arm themselves with repeating clips and hollow-piont bullets. As American citizens, will we ever say ENOUGH! or can we, like the NRA, rationalize just about anything?

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